Off to Target I went. I bought two rolls of wrapping paper that were way out of my usual wrapping paper budget{$1/roll. Hey, it goes in the garbage!}. However, the $9 I spent on wrapping paper was way cheaper than any portrait studio would charge for Christmas pics.
A roll of scotch tape, some wrapping paper and my trusty camera and we have ourselves some family portraits!
After completing this little project, I learned a few things:
#1: wrapping paper with glitter is not recommended, nor is reflective wrapping paper of any kind. It tends to pick up the photographer{and all other background elements} in the reflection!

#2: buying pretty wrapping paper does not guarantee that your kids will stop making faces long enough to get a good shot.
#3: buy 2 rolls of each pretty wrapping paper that you chose. 20 square feet is not as much as it seems once hung upon the wall.
Feel free to share your results of any wall paper portrait sessions with us by linking us to them via the comments section or posting them on our Message Boards at Memorable Seasons!
Great looking blog guys! Love these portraits Chrissy. Great idea!
cool pictures love the new blog!
awesome! love the blog, love the idea :)
I might just have to try this :)
Oh, now I'm gonna HAVE to try this!
Brilliant ! Might have to try this one out too !
What a great idea. I am going to have to try this, too. I made my family line up against the brick wall outside my garage. I set up the tripod and used the self timer so I could run back and get in the picture myself. We discovered that 10 seconds is really a long time to keep saying "cheese."
What a great are so clever! I had wondered where you got the cute background when I saw the pictures but never dreamed it was wrapping to add wrapping paper to my grocery list!
What a fantastic idea! Great looking photos... and kids!
Of course this is a great idea. I love finding anything I can to use for a background for portraits!
what an awesome idea and I am glad you got the kinks out first so I know what not to do!
That is THE best idea! thanks!
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